Thrive Blog

Thrive's Top Tips: Say it with Styles

This post is a part of the series 'Thrive's Top Tips' - these blog posts are focussed on a different program or system that can help you to #worksmarternotharder, with some of my favourite ways to use these programs that might be new or helpful to you!

Today, I want to walk you through an element of Word - Styles!

A huge part of your brand, and the way your clients recognise you, is in the way your documents look. This is a combination of some basic elements, namely:

  • colours,

  • fonts,

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Thrive's Top Tips - Word Templates

This post is a part of the series 'Thrive's Top Tips' - these blog posts are focussed on a different program or system that can help you to #worksmarternotharder, with some of my favourite ways to use these programs that might be new or helpful to you!

As a virtual admin (VA), I spend a LOT of time in front of the computer.

In fact, I was spending a lot of time here well before I became a VA too - in my 'former life', I was a PA, an EA, an all-round admin superstar employee. All of which requir…

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