Introducing the 'Work Smarter Series' of blog posts
Thrive is about to launch a series of sharp and focussed blog posts, all under the banner of the 'Working Smarter Series'. One of the things I love to say is that I want everyone to work smarter, not harder. And how better to demonstrate that it's possible than by sharing that knowledge with you, here, in an easy to search and follow way?!
Each day, I get a dose of 'memories' from social media. Recently, memories started popping up from a series I did when Thrive was just starting to be 'visible' on social media. It was '14 ways in 14 days' - 2 weeks of posts sharing the services Thrive offered.
While a lot has changed since that series of posts, some things have most definitely remain the same. Like the fact that I love something that helps me to focus and categorise content. Having a heading always helps me find lots of 'sub-headings' underneath, to help get me started.
So that's what I'm going to do. Not another 14 ways post. One, because I've already done that. Two, I don't actually do 14 different things anymore (phew!). And three, because Thrive is so very different from when I did!
What will Working Smarter look like?
Really, they will be somewhere between blog, tutorial and instruction. I might even throw some video content in (*insert collective gasp from the audience* 🤣)!
What I want to do is give you clear and concise information, to help you better understand the incredible tools available to you in Microsoft Word. Tools, tips, examples and links to other resources, all designed to help you make better use of the products you already have.
When will it start?
The first post will land next week. Yep, you read that right. Because I'm going to keep them pretty short and sharp, I'm going to publish a post a week. All of them will be include 'work smarter' in the title.
How will I know when the new posts go live?
Easy! You can get updates about new blog posts direct to your inbox, or see it in our social media feeds.
To get the blog posts in your inbox, subscribe to join the Thrive Family.
To see our post notifications in your socials, you can follow Thrive on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest.
What if I want to know more than what's covered in these posts?
Oooh, good question! Luckily, Thrive has you covered (duh!).
Let's go shopping!
If you want to build your skills at your own pace, but would like a reference guide to help you stay on track, you should definitely check out our shop. We currently have a range of ebooks that are specific to formatting, but there will be products added over the coming weeks to complement this blog series.
Become a Document Dynamo
If you want more of an engaged learning experience, you can join Thrive's Facebook group, Document Dynamos. We do a weekly live where we cover these topics in more detail, and you can engage with me (and the Dynamos) directly to help solve your document dilemmas and help others with their own questions. You can find the group here. 🤓
Work it out 1:1
Finally, if you'd like a 1:1 session to help you get your head around a particular issue that's bugging you with a document, why not book a Troubleshooting Session with me? There are 2 options - a Quick Fix (30 minutes) or a Deep Dive (60 minutes), and both include a handbook with step by step instructions on what we cover in our call for you to keep. If you are interested in booking a session, or even just having a free chat to see what Thrive can do to help you out, then get in touch here.
I can't wait to get started, and hope to hear from you about how you find the series as it unfolds.